Sep 27, 2017
"Ag gag" statutes have been in the news lately as several Constitutional challenges have been filed against this type of statute. Only a handful of states have passed this type of legislation, which seeks to prohibit trespassing on or providing false information to obtain employment at an agricultural operation. Federal trial level courts in Idaho and Utah have found their respective state's "ag gag" statutes unconstitutional. Additionally, a Wyoming federal court recently held that the First Amendment applied to a state statute there prohibiting trespassing on private property to collect resource data.
On today's episode, Ashley and I discuss these statutes, the background upon which they arose, and the recent litigation decisions in these court cases.
Contact info for Ashley Ellixson
(Email address) aellixson@UDAZ.ORG
Links to topics mentioned on the show
- Ashley's prior podcast appearance
- What are ag gag laws?
- Blog post discussing Idaho decision
- Blog post discussing Utah decision