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Nov 17, 2022

When I wanted to do a podcast about how criminal law and agricultural law intersect, there was only one person to call.  Heath Hemphill is the current District Attorney in Coleman County, Texas, and he is also a fifth generation rancher.  His experiences both in the courtroom and on the ranch gives him a unique perspective and some great stories to share today about situations where agricutlural law and criminal law meet.  

Contact Info for Heath Hemphill


Phone: 325-625-1316

Links to Topics Mentioned on the Show

List of Texas statutes

Blog post on criminal trespass

Criminal mischief statute involving damage to livestock fence (Texas Penal Code 28.03)

Hunting without consent statute

Discharge of firearm across property lines

Hunting lease licenses 

Blog post on shooting drones

Texas theft statute (Texas Penal Code Section 31.03)

TSCRA Special Rangers

Texas law on cruelty to livestock animals

Blog post about law for dogs threatening livestock

Blog post on lien for damaged fences

Fence law handbook with chapter on estray livestock