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Apr 17, 2018

Today, our topic is officially titled "The Regulatory Regime for Modern Plants and Animals."  We're fortunate to be joined by Drew Kershen, Professor Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma College of Law.  Drew taught Biotechnology Law and Policy for over a decade at the University of Oklahoma and is one of the most respected speakers on this and a number of other agricultural law topics.

Today, our focus is the various legal issues and regulatory schemes surrounding biotechnology in agriculture.  We focus on the differences between genetic engineering and genetic editing and talk about examples of each of these processes.  Additionally, we spend a good deal of time walking through the various regulations that apply to these processes, both here in the United States, as well as abroad.  We also look into the impact these issues can have on international trade and talk a bit about labeling concerns in the United States.


Contact Info for Drew Kershen

- Email:

- Website:


Links to Topics Mentioned on the Show

- American Agricultural Law Association

- Blog post on Synegnta corn litigation

- National Agricultural Law Center Ag Law Bibliography

- Council of Agricultural Science & Technology Paper #59