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Mar 9, 2018

Our friend Jim Bradbury is back again to give us an update on what's happening with WOTUS.  Jim has a law firm based in Austin and Ft. Worth and he represents a number of agricultural clients and specializes in environmental issues.

He was here almost a year ago on Episode #3 talking about this same topic, but a lot has happened in the last year!

Jim offers some background on the Clean Water Act, an update on all of the procedural wrangling surrounding the 2015 WOTUS Rule, and some practical advice for landowners on what they need to understand related to the Clean Water Act.

Contact information for Jim Bradbury:





Links to Info Mentioned on the Show

- Jim's prior podcast episode

- President Trump's Executive Order on WOTUS

- Blog post on the Clean Water Act and Agriculture

- Blog post on Duarte settlement